Pray of Tahajjud were pray sunah that really in recommended, these pray were carried out tonight after getting up from sleeping in solitude, his perpetrators was avoided from praise from the other person, only was sincere from the heart that most in an eye because of searching was willing Allah. Tahajjud needed the sacrifice to get up in the middle of the night, left his comfort slept, left the sweet dream, warm him the blanket, warm him the sweetheart's embrace, then the person who carried out prayers tahajjud by leaving all the enjoyment, showed the height of faith to Allah SWT and the sincerity for performed religious duties. It was so big that the sacrifice of a slave to perform religious duties to the creator so as Allah agreed to appoint his slave to the place that was praised. As the Allahs decree
And pray in the small watches of the morning: (it would be) an additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee: soon will thy Lord raise thee to a Station of Praise and Glory!
(Al Quran, Surah Al Israa 79)
Tahajjud was means to be able to contemplation and mused about the creation and Allah's authority, so as to be able to increase the feeling of faith to Allah, to cultivate the love to Allah and to aim at to the road that was straight heading world goodness and the hereafter. If we wanted to get world luck and the hereafter, established Tahajjud pray fully the sincerity.
Allah called His slave to turn on the night by using night time with the valuable good deeds religious duties that is Tahajjud, Allah did not like His Slave that spent time at night by being in vain without the value of religious duties, very sad when a Muslim passed at night with the immoral activity and was full of the sin.
Let's pay attention to would hadist Rasulullah SAW along with: “Our Rabb descended to world sky each night when the night remained at a third of the end, then he ber exciting: anyone who prayed to me then will be granted by me, anyone that ask for then will be given by me. And anyone who requested the pardon then would forgiveness” (HR. Bukhari)
Eminence of Shalat Tahajjud
Much eminence from praying tahajjud, including being explained in one long of Hadist from Umar bin Al Khttab: from Rasulullah SAW said, “ Who carried out prayers in night time and devout undertook him, then Allah honored with nine cases, five in the world and four in akhirat”.
As for five in this world was:
1.Allah was on duty at him from disaster-accident
2.See second-hand obeyed on the face nya
3.Will be liked by slaves that shalih in fact by all humankind.
4.His Word contained hikmah
5.Allah gave him fortune to understanding towards the religion.
As for four in akhirat was
1. Aroused from the grave with the white face and lighting
2. Be easy would for him hisab
3. Be the road above shirat (bridge in akhirat) like lightning snatched
4. Give his book of the good deed note through the right hands on the doomsday day.
Was like this the short analysis concerning Tahajjud prayers, we Hope Allah pardoned all of our sins, gave his blessing for us, Amin.
Wallahualam bissawab.
Al Quran
The Power of Tahajjud, Dr. Ahmad Sudirman Abbas
Amalan dan Doa Shalat Malam, Tim MISYKAT
And pray in the small watches of the morning: (it would be) an additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee: soon will thy Lord raise thee to a Station of Praise and Glory!
(Al Quran, Surah Al Israa 79)
Tahajjud was means to be able to contemplation and mused about the creation and Allah's authority, so as to be able to increase the feeling of faith to Allah, to cultivate the love to Allah and to aim at to the road that was straight heading world goodness and the hereafter. If we wanted to get world luck and the hereafter, established Tahajjud pray fully the sincerity.
Allah called His slave to turn on the night by using night time with the valuable good deeds religious duties that is Tahajjud, Allah did not like His Slave that spent time at night by being in vain without the value of religious duties, very sad when a Muslim passed at night with the immoral activity and was full of the sin.
Let's pay attention to would hadist Rasulullah SAW along with: “Our Rabb descended to world sky each night when the night remained at a third of the end, then he ber exciting: anyone who prayed to me then will be granted by me, anyone that ask for then will be given by me. And anyone who requested the pardon then would forgiveness” (HR. Bukhari)
Eminence of Shalat Tahajjud
Much eminence from praying tahajjud, including being explained in one long of Hadist from Umar bin Al Khttab: from Rasulullah SAW said, “ Who carried out prayers in night time and devout undertook him, then Allah honored with nine cases, five in the world and four in akhirat”.
As for five in this world was:
1.Allah was on duty at him from disaster-accident
2.See second-hand obeyed on the face nya
3.Will be liked by slaves that shalih in fact by all humankind.
4.His Word contained hikmah
5.Allah gave him fortune to understanding towards the religion.
As for four in akhirat was
1. Aroused from the grave with the white face and lighting
2. Be easy would for him hisab
3. Be the road above shirat (bridge in akhirat) like lightning snatched
4. Give his book of the good deed note through the right hands on the doomsday day.
Was like this the short analysis concerning Tahajjud prayers, we Hope Allah pardoned all of our sins, gave his blessing for us, Amin.
Wallahualam bissawab.
Al Quran
The Power of Tahajjud, Dr. Ahmad Sudirman Abbas
Amalan dan Doa Shalat Malam, Tim MISYKAT