How Long You Can Memorize Al Quran

8:37 AM

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Table hereunder can assist you to calculate how long you can finish to memorize Al Qur'an for 30 Juz.
On condition that you have to “istiqomah” (always remain to) your memorizing goals every day, Insyaallah you can finish memorizing according to time goals which you determine.

Table Source : Maqdis Bandung, Indonesia

How to Memorize Qur'an

12:40 PM

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This document was created with the intention of giving you (the future Hafiz Insha’Allah) tips on how to memorize the Holy Qur’an by using's method. We understand that everybody has their own preferred method of memorization, but Insha’Allah you will be able to benefit from this tutorial.

If you are not a child anymore and are in doubt that you will ever be able to memorize the Glorious Qur’an, do not fret! We will show you how you can take advantage of your memory so you can memorize the Holy Qur’an in no time Insha’Allah!

There are some basic laws of memory that we need to first recognize, they are as follows –

Law of Frequency:

We tend to remember things we experience the most often, rather than those we experience only once in a while. You are much more likely to remember your name or your phone number than the square root of 3.

Law of Recency:

We are more likely to remember things that happened recently than those that happened a long time ago. You can probably remember what you had for dinner yesterday, but not what you ate for dinner two weeks ago today.

Law of Vividness:

We tend to remember the most spectacular or striking impressions rather than those that are more ordinary. You can probably remember what you did on your last birthday, or perhaps the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, but not what happened on the previous day of those occasions.
Now that we have come face to face with our memory, Insha’Allah it will be easier to bend the rules to achieve the final goal – Hifz-ul-Qur’an!

1) When it comes to the Law of Frequency – the best way to keep the ayahs of the Holy Qur’an inside your memory is to repeat them constantly, especially when you first start to learn a surah. Once you get used to these phases of repetition you will find that even when you are taking a stroll outside or doing other things you will be reciting the surahs to yourself Insha’Allah. We find that the easiest method of learning a surah is -

a) Choose the Surah you would like to memorize.

b) Sit down and listen to the audio recitation 3 times.

c) Follow along with the recitation for 10-20 minutes and repeat along.

d) Repeat steps a through c everyday for seven days.

However, we also find that the best way to memorize an ayah is –

a) Choose the ayah you would like to memorize.

b) Sit down and listen to the recitation 3 times.

c) Follow along with the recitation for 10-15 minutes while repeating.

d) Repeat the ayah whenever you have spare time during the day – Insha’Allah this will ensure that the ayah gets ingrained into your memory.

2) When it comes to the Law of Recency – it is imperative to recite the ayahs (or surahs) that you have recently learned in a constant manner… as we all know, human beings forget quite easily! Allahu Alim, if we continue to recite our ayahs and surahs, Insha’Allah we will not forget.

3) When it comes to the last rule of memorization (Law of Vividness) – Alhamdulillah! This is the least of our troubles, because the Holy Qur’an is the most spectacular, striking and glorious book – what else could be more spectacular than the Word of Allah?

Some people find it difficult to follow along with the Arabic scripture in the Holy Qur’an, for our users who fall into this category, we recommend following along with the transliteration of the Holy Qur’an which can be located here Insha’Allah –

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